Key Themes

The LMDE Conference

The LMDE conference is unique in that in includes the Athens conference, with presentations and panel discussions on the key themes of the conference, and the Syros academic extension at the nearby island of Syros, with a Research Colloquium and a Doctoral Consortium.

For the conference in Athens, we are seeking high-quality research papers (theoretical and/or empirical) and opinion papers (including policy recommendations related to the conference theme), as well as proposals for panel discussions from scholars and industry practitioners related to the list of themes mentioned below. Impactful papers on other related themes are also welcome.


  • Leadership, governance, and ethics in the digital era
  • Inclusive, resilient, and agile leadership
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in the digital era
  • Corporate governance in the digital era
  • Platform governance
  • Public governance in the digital era
  • CEO dilemmas in the digital era
  • Responsible and sustainable business in the digital era


  • Changing the business roles and new skills needed in the digital era
  • Teamwork and collaboration in the digital era
  • Human Resources Management in the digital era
  • The changing labor relations landscape: gig workers, digital nomads, hybrid work
  • Disruptive and enabling business technologies (AI, IoT, Blockchain, Cloud Computing)
  • The role of digital everything in addressing environmental and societal grand challenges
  • UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and digital business
  • Human-AI Collaboration


  • The changing competitive dynamics in the digital era
  • Strategies for platform companies
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Digital game changers: Unlocking an organization’s potential
  • Nurturing innovation in the digital era
  • The changing landscape of venture financing
  • Business strategies for competitive technology advantage
  • Social Entrepreneurship


  • Innovations in management curricula
  • The new mindset for the digital era
  • Promoting academic entrepreneurship
  • Blending ML/AI/robotics in management curricula
  • Online education, stackable programs, micro-credentials
  • Experiential learning and university-industry collaboration for improved learning
  • Executive and continuous education in the digital era

The LMDE Academic Extension

The Syros academic extension of the Athens conference includes a Research Colloquium and a Doctoral Consortium that will take place at the island of Syros. This academic extension will take place on June 21-23, following the main conference, and will be centered around the same themes as above.

For the Research Colloquium, we are seeking presentations of funded projects around the themes of the conference. Projects funded by national or international government organizations, as well as projects funded by industry or foundations are welcome. In addition, we welcome participation from industry experts (e.g., consulting, finance, tourism, manufacturing, shipping) presenting novel challenges that require groundbreaking research or development or entrepreneurial activities, as well as panels to discuss current and/or future research agenda for a discipline or a sector. The objective is to create a forum where participants could meet faculty or consultants who are active in funded research collaborations, and engage in stimulating collaborative sessions, in which active researchers will exchange views, challenge opinions and work together towards joint research activities, within a creative and rejuvenating environment.

For the Doctoral Consortium, we invite doctoral students to present their doctoral research, get feedback from faculty experts, receive guidance from editors about publications in journals, network with other doctoral students for developing follow-up joint research, and engaging in fretful discussions about possible careers in academia.


Submission of extended abstracts

Authors of papers are invited to submit to EasyChair ( an extended abstract (800-1500 words) of their paper for peer review by February 1, 2023. Authors will be notified about the acceptance for presentation of their paper at the conference by February 28, 2023. Guidelines for the abstracts to be published in the Conference e-book are available here.

To submit the final version of your extended abstract for a paper to be presented in the conference, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Login with your details
  3. Click the “author” link to visit your dashboard.
  4. Click the corresponding "view" icon next to your paper’s title.
  5. Click “Update file” from the top-right corner.
  6. Choose your final file and click the Submit button.

To organize a panel discussion, please email us at by February 1, 2023, with your proposal, including a description of the discussion, the proposed discussants and chair.

To present your work at the Research Colloquium, please email us at by March 10, 2023, with an extended abstract of your presentation (800-1500 words), including the title, presenters and affiliations, a brief description of the initiative, relevance to the LMDE 2023, the funding agency, the timeline of the project and the project partners.

To present your research at the Doctoral Consortium, please email us at by March 10, 2023, with your proposal, including the student name, faculty advisor name, academic institution (affiliation), extended abstract (800-1500 words) that provides an overview of the doctoral consortium proposal, discussing details on PhD research questions, work in progress, and expected contributions.

Accepted abstracts of papers, panel descriptions, and research initiatives will be published in an eBook with an ISBN number. Guidelines for the abstracts to be published in the Conference e-book are available here.

Submission of final papers

Authors of accepted extended abstracts of papers that are to be presented in the conference (Athens) are offered the opportunity of publishing their full paper in an edited volume published by Springer. Such papers should be submitted by June 30, 2023using this link and will be subject to a peer-review process. Guidelines for the papers to be published in the Springer volume are available here. A template that you can use to write your paper can be found here.


There will be two outlets of the proceedings of this conference:

  • The extended abstracts of all presented papers will be published in an eBook with an ISBN number.
  • Additionally, selected full papers will appear in a volume to be published by Springer.


Academic leaders, researchers, and business managers will benefit significantly from participating in this unique venue that aims to debate and shed light on developments in the practice of management, the changing needs in skills for the various management roles, and the substantial improvements in management education that are ongoing.


February 1, 2023

Submission of extended abstracts for main Conference

February 28, 2023     

Notification of acceptance of papers for main Conference

March 10, 2023

Submission of proposals for Research Colloquium (RC) and Doctoral Consortium (DC)

March 20, 2023

Notification of acceptance of presentations in RC and DC

March 30, 2023

Early Bird reduced registration fees

June 30, 2023

Submission of final papers for publication in the Springer volume

June 19-20, 2023

Main Conference

June 21-23, 2023

Research Colloquium and Doctoral Consortium

Conference Organizers