Conference Chairs
- Vassilis Vasdekis, Rector and Professor of Statistics, AUEB, Greece
- Gregory Prastacos, Professor of Management Science, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Program Committee Chair
- Ioannis Ntzoufras, Professor of Statistics, AUEB, Greece
Research Colloquium and Doctoral Consortium Coordinators
- Panagiotis Repoussis, Associate Professor of Operations Research and Supply Chain Management, AUEB, Greece
- Panagiotis Sarantopoulos, Assistant Professor of Marketing Management, AUEB, Greece
- Michael zur Muehlen, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Organizing Committee
- Dimitrios Karlis, Professor of Statistics, AUEB, Greece (Chair)
- Vassilis Chasiotis, Adjunct Lecturer, AUEB, Greece
- George Doukidis, Professor of Information Systems, Founder of ELTRUN Research Laboratory, AUEB, Greece
- Xenia Mamakou, Faculty Member, AUEB, Greece
- Yiannis Mourtos, Professor of Operations Research and Director, ELTRUN Laboratory, AUEB, Greece
- John Pavlopoulos, Assistant Professor of Machine Learning, AUEB, Greece
- Nancy Pouloudi, Professor of Information Systems Management, AIS Immediate Past President , AUEB, Greece
- Katerina Pramatari, Professor of Entrepreneurship, AUEB, Greece
- Josep Tribo, Professor of Strategy, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA